Sleep is the basis of good health feeling well and essentially being happy. Having a good nights sleep allows our body time to recover and rejuvenate, therefor people who suffer with sleep related breathing disorders such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring can experience effects on their health work and day to day activities.
While you Sleep your body relaxes and muscles soften causing the tongue to drop back as it relaxes and reduce the airflow as you are breathing. The soft tissue may vibrate and this causes you to snore.
If you have obstructive sleep apnea your airway periodically closes over and prevents air from getting to your lungs as you sleep. An apea can last from anywhere from a ten seconds to an entire minute in severe cases. Multiple apeas through the night can cause sleep disturbance due to a lack of oxygen to the brain.
One of the treatment choices is a custom made Mandibular Advancement Splint such as SomnoDent. It is simply worn over your teeth and helps to hold your jaw forward, which in turn opens your airway.
The best way is to visit your us at Skye Dental for a consult to discuss further. Key Signs & Symptoms:
Excessive snoring
Daytime tiredness
Partner notices you stop breathing
Frequent visits to the bathroom during the night
Falling asleep during the day
Daytime tiredness
Lack of energy
Poor concentration/memory
Choking or gasping during sleep
Research shows that there is evidence linking to an Increased risk of :
Heart attack
Type 2 diabetes
Increased blood pressure
Decreased life span
Are you already aware of this and your doctor has prescribed a CPAP for you? Do you wear it? Is it easy to sleep with? Can you take it with you on holidays or travel with it? Are you servicing it on a regular basis?
Our dentists at Skye Dental work closely with ENTs and GPs to ensure you are getting a team approach on treating the problem.Give us a call on 07 3823 1896 or use our simple online booking system to book your consult with regards to your snoring or reduced quality sleep
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